Tag Archives: Hebrew Terms

Glossary of Key Halachic Terms

The term Halacha refers to the collective body of Jewish religious law, including biblical law and later talmudic and rabbinic law, as well as customs and traditions. Halacha guides not only religious practices and beliefs, but numerous aspects of day-to-day life.  Although Halacha is often translated as “Jewish Law”, a more literal translation might be “the path” or “the way of walking.” The word derives from the root that means to go or to walk.

When discussing Halacha and the practices and rituals that characterise a Jewish life, numerous terms are used that are often unfamiliar to the uninitiated.  I have listed some of them below.  Many, as you will see, are related to the rules of taharat hamishpacha, an area of Jewish law that relates to women, marriage and sexuality.  For more information concerning these subjects, here is an excellent resource available online: Nishmat Yoatzot Halacha.

Balanit – Mikveh attendant

Balua – Lit. “swallowed up” – refers to items found in normally inaccessible parts of the body that do not require cleaning before mikveh (e.g., ear canal)

Bediavad – Refers to a less than optimal manner of fulfilling a halachic requirement, acceptable after the fact or in difficult situations (opposite of l’chat’chila)

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